Here are two aerial views of Springfield, Massachusetts, from postcards. Above, we have a view of the waterfront with the new Memorial Bridge in the foreground and the Municipal buildings around Court Square. Photo by Lloyd White Bell, published by The Springfield News Company and printed by Springfield Tichnor Quality Views, Tichnor Bros Inc Boston, MA, from 1922.
Below is a black-and-white postcard of Springfield from 1919, of the North End - Memorial Church on Plainfield Street, RM Preston Photo-Type, George S. Graves Company Springfield, Washington D.C.
Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of The Ames Manufacturing Company of Chicopee, Massachusetts - A Northern Factory Town's Perspective on the Civil War;
Comedy and Tragedy on the Mountain: 70 Years of Summer Theatre on Mt. Tom, Holyoke, Massachusetts;
States of Mind: New England,
A Tragic Toast to Christmas -- The Infamous Wood Alcohol Deaths of 1919 in Chicopee, Mass.; as well as books on classic films and several novels. Her Double V Mysteries series is set in New England in the early 1950s.
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