Saturday, February 1, 2025

NEW IN HARDCOVER - BESIDE THE STILL WATERS - a novel of the Quabbin Reservoir

This is to announce that my novel BESIDE THE STILL WATERS, is now available in hardcover from Amazon. It's the story of the towns dismantled in the 1930s for the creation of the Quabbin Reservoir in Central Massachusetts. It's a family saga played out over four decades of historical events. Here's what
one reviewer, "Rich in Viriginia" remarked:

"Beautiful period piece. Details are done sparely yet beautifully. This historical novel gorgeously captures the experience of the four Massachusetts towns sacrificed for the massive Quabbin Reservoir in the 1930s. Evocative! Perhaps one of my all time favorite regional pieces."

The new hardcover can be purchased here:

I'm hoping to put more of my books out in hardcover this year, and in paperback that your local booksellers can order from Ingram's, and begin to produce more of my books in audio as well. It's shaping up to be a busy year.

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