Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Upcoming Zoom talk on BESIDE THE STILL WATERS - Quabbin Reservoir towns, Massachusetts


Zoom presentation on
BESIDE THE STILL WATERS - the "lost towns" of the Quabbin Reservoir

I will be giving an online Zoom presentation for the Amherst (Massachusetts) Historical Society on the historical background for my novel, Beside the Still Watersabout the towns that were demolished to create the Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts.

The story is about community and the loss of community, and how our hometowns make up a big part of our family heritage and our personal identities. 
Photos and map images will accompany the talk, which will be part of the Society’s “History Bites Lunchtime Lecture Series”, Friday, December 3, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. 
Join the Zoom presentation through this link:

See you there! 

Beside the Still Waters is available in eBook or print at these online shops:
Barnes & Noble
Try this universal link for Apple, Baker & Taylor, SCRBD, Tolino, and more!

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