Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Louisa May Alcott - Documentary in the making - seeking funds

I received this press release from the Orchard House museum in Concord, Massachusetts announcing a new project to preserve the history of one of New England's -- and America's -- most beloved 19th century novelists, Louisa May Alcott.  A documentary is to be filmed, and the society is seeking funding through a Kickstarter campaign.  Here's the information:

We are creating the first-ever documentary about Orchard House!Orchard House is in the process of making the first documentary about the 350 year history of the house - and we'd love for you to be involved in creating the film.

Today we've launched a fundraising campaign on the crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter.com to raise the $150,000 needed for production. We're emailing you today to ask you to help us spread the word about this campaign by sharing it with followers and readers of your New England Travels blog.

If you aren't already familiar, Kickstarter is dedicated to fundraising for creative projects just like this. Funding is all-or-nothing, which means we need to raise every penny of our goal by October 22, 2014 through pledges to our online campaign.

Click here to visit our page and watch the beautiful four minute video.
On our project page you'll find an explanation of why we're making this film and why it's important. Inserted below are a few pre-formatted social media posts that are easy to copy, paste, and share. Attached you'll find our press release. We would truly appreciate sharing of all kinds and are happy to answer any questions you have about the campaign.

For Facebook:

Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House is making a movie! Help them create the first-ever documentary about the "Home of Little Women" and #PledgeYourLove to their new Kickstarter campaign! Click here to see their project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/632439913/orchard-house

For Twitter:

.@LouisaMayAlcott has launched a #Kickstarter campaign for a new documentary! Click here to #PledgeYourLove

Many thanks,
Mary-Liz Murray
Kickstarter Campaign Manager
Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House

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