Tuesday, December 11, 2012

S&H Green Stamps - from Big Y

Ever do your Christmas shopping with these?  S&H Green Stamps, once the symbol of American Middle Class wish fulfillment, began with the Sperry & Hutchinson company in 1896, but found its heyday from the 1930s through the 1960s.
A catalogue of items, including furniture, toys, and bongo drums that could be purchased by redeeming the stamps, occupied a place of honor in a kitchen drawer of every home.  Maybe not every home, but these stamps, no longer recognizable to younger generations, were familiar to Baby Boomers.
They were offered at grocery stores, gas stations, and department stores.  You can see this folder was supplied by the New England supermarket chain “Big Y”.  That’s a lot of 10-point stamps.
Here are one-point stamps.  The other denomination was 50 points.
The program ended sometime in the 1980s, and had ceased being popular long before that.  Before this book had a chance to be filled and redeemed for bongo drums, anyway.


  1. WOW!Now that really bought back memories...my Grandmother always let me put the stamps in her books.She got lots of "stuff"with those "greenies"!Guess that why I still take part in stamps for "stuff":-)!Just got a 14 inch two handled stainless steel Cuisinart Fry pan after saving stamps from my local Albertson's.Yea,nice post.You are on my Favorites List..love your post.Check me out at http://sagebookwhisperer.blogspot.com/

  2. Thanks for stopping by, and congratulations for snagging the fry pan with stamps.

  3. I remember putting these in books for my mom...she'd put a wet sponge on a saucer and I'd get the stamps wet with it. There even used to be signs advertising giving away the stamps hanging outside certain businesses, as I recall.

    Best wishes,

  4. Did it make you feel rich? The promise of an almost-full book.

    I remember the signs, too.
