Friday, June 18, 2010

You Are Here: The Pioneer Valley

You are here: driving down Route 5 (that’s “root”) crossing over the state line from Vermont to Massachusetts, and entering that other less official geographic entity of The Pioneer Valley, where the mighty Connecticut River holds court in a wide river basin rimed by blue hills, carved by the last glaciers that pulled out oh, let’s see, some time ago it was. Leaving fertile farmland, and a mess of dinosaur footprints. Have a look at this previous post for more on that.


  1. Many fond memories of ROOT 5, which I got to drive again with my mom while visiting this March. I remember the cornfields & vegetable stands down in Westminster Station, VT & the greenish summer light along the river. Beautiful area.

  2. I'll take 91 if I'm in a hurry, but if not, I prefer Root 5 for the quiet scenery. You describe it very well.

  3. Yes, from about Greenfield north, a beautiful drive.

  4. Greenfield south if you want fast food. A lot of it.
