Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Floating Down Swan River, Cape Cod

Cruising down Swan River on Cape Cod, deep enough only for a kayak or a flat bottomed paddle boat. You wind along watching herons, and gulls, and the occasional artist and easel on the green banks.

Marshes, where the critters live, and kids with pails of clams waving to you from a dock, where they live.

You aim for the narrow opening under the bridge that runs under Lower County Road. Eventually, after a few more gentle twists and turns, you are rewarded by the a sight that certainly should not be unexpected, but somehow is…the place where fresh salt breezes smack you in the face and the water becomes wide, and deep, and suddenly choppy. Nantucket Sound. All yours. Or so it seems for a moment.

But you dare not leave the safety of the slow-moving river in your little craft. You have to turn around and go back.

In another minute.


  1. Beautiful, Jacqueline. Thanks for bringing us along! (and one more thing I must check out someday)

  2. Thanks, Tony. I hope you do get a chance to check out Swan River sometime soon. The Bloggerette would probably love it.

  3. And if you ride your boat back up the river on the incoming tide, you will wind up at a place called Clancy's. Good food, good people, and a beautiful view of the river filling the marshes out back with life. Just watching the birds float by you on the gentle flow of the river is as relaxing as any pharmaceutical conjured by man, and a little bit magical.

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by, Deeidub. I'm sold. Your description is therapeutic. Let's all meet at Clancy's in an hour. Where did I put that kayak?
