Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

Here’s a couple of ads from theatre programs in the early 1950s, when urban downtowns, carried the veneer of elegance and sophistication right through to the print ads attempting to both create and capitalize on that illusion.

Perhaps your recent New Year’s celebration did not involve Music America Loves best at the Mayfair Room at the Hotel Bridgway (no cover charge), or require looking like a million bucks in evening clothes from Haynes. The scene is Springfield, Massachusetts, though the orchestra is “direct from New York.”


  1. A lot of atmosphere in those ads--tho our New Year was a tad less elegant perhaps. Hope your New Year began well, despite the horrid New England weather I've heard about!

  2. Hi, John. The atmosphere, as you say, is what I love best about old ads. My New Year was also slightly less elegant, but pleasant nonetheless. I'm actually one of those contrary people who enjoys winter weather. I'll tire of it around the end of March. For now, it's okay.
