Friday, September 4, 2009

Blog 2nd Anniversary

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of New England Travels. Thank you for the pleasure of your company.


  1. Happy anniversary, Jacqueline, & thanks for such a fun & informative blog!

  2. Congratulations! two years, wow, I'm just starting out, and, I have a link to your blog in my sidebar!!

    I always find your blog interesting and full of memories of places we've been, thanks!

  3. Thank you, Mattenylou, and welcome. Best of luck with your interesting blog "On Larch Lane". I hope our readers visit your site.

  4. Congratulations, Jacqueline! I love New England and hope to spend quite a bit more time there in the future. Thanks for sharing so many great stories and photos.

    Your PEYTON PLACE piece is lovely too!

    Best wishes,

  5. Thank you so much, Laura. I certainly hope you can spend some time hereabouts. I suppose the "Peyton Place" piece could have fit on this blog, too. It would be fun someday to pick out film locations and photograph them as they are today. There's a Hollywood blog that does that so well.

  6. Jacqueline, congrats on two excellent blogging years...

    Still going strong- keep going!

  7. Thank you, Tony. I know readers here will enjoy your blog "In the Valley."

  8. Jacqueline,

    Although an infrequent reader, I know where to come when I desire eclectic, interesting, informative, and often rare penetrating analysis on the human-condition from a gifted writer...on either or both your blogs.


  9. Thank you, RG. I really appreciate your kindness.
