Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gloucester - Fisherman's Memorial

It is often regarded as the most dangerous occupation in America. Commercial fisherman have fed us since the earliest days of settlement on this continent, which for Gloucester, Massachusetts, site of this famous statue, The Fisherman’s Memorial, began in 1623. Explorer Samuel de Champlain’s visit in 1606 makes it, as it is lauded today, America’s oldest seaport.

Thousands upon thousands of fishermen from just this one port of Gloucester have lost their lives in the course of their daily work from that time until this. Each year in Gloucester, the roll of those lost at sea is read. Sculptor Leonard Craske has given us a simple yet dramatic figure of the man at the wheel, peering under his sou’wester, looking out to see, hopeful and wary at the same time. The statute makes an appearance in the film “A Perfect Storm” (2000), and a replica of it appears in “Captain’s Courageous” (1937).

For more on the history of Gloucester, Massachusetts, have a look at this website.

Been there? Done that? Eaten Gorton’s frozen fish? Recognize the logo? Let us know.


  1. He is "looking out to sea" not (just) "looking out to see".

  2. Well done, my Anonymous friend. Thanks for catching that. After nearly four years, either nobody reads this blog or they do not have your eyes. I'll leave the error as a reminder to proofread more carefully my shoddy writing.
