Friday, November 9, 2007

Conway Covered Bridge

On Route 116 in Conway, Massachusetts, the Burkeville or Conway Covered Bridge stands, built around 1870 and is reported by one source as being the oldest surviving covered bridge in the US. Crossing the South River, it has the unique distinction of utilizing iron tension members into traditional timber truss work. These photos were taken more than a decade ago, though it appears to be autumn. There is something eternal about autumn.

The bridge has undergone restoration since these photos, and is now open only to foot traffic. There is some controversy in this country between restoring a covered bridge and rebuilding it to modern Department of Transportation requirements. Some interesting articles have been written on the subject. This bridge is on the National Register of Historic Places. Franklin County is home to about half of Massachusetts’ surviving covered bridges.

Been there? Done that? Spit off the bridge? Let us know.


  1. I live not far from the Burkeville Bridge and pass it every day. They even had a meal on it back during the pre-Festival if the Hills week. The renovation, to me, doesn't look much like the old bridge, but maybe I never knew what it used to look like. I've only been in Conway for 13 years-every one of them perfect years, my land is "My little piece of heaven" It's in Tobey Hollow on a hill with trees to block every place out.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. Your "little piece of heaven" sounds great. Conway's a nice town.

  3. The Conway Covered Bridge made a fleeting appearance in the programme called 'Road Dreams' shown on Channel 4 in the UK back in the early 1990s. The programme was made by Elliott Bristow who travelled extensively around the US between 1968 & 1980 and filmed wth a Super 8 cine camera. Road Dreams is a compilation of these film with some excellent music. There's a website which might be of interest.

  4. Thanks so much for this interesting information. The website looks fun. So, the remote little Conway Covered Bridge has its fleeting moment of fame on British television. Nice.
