Sunday, November 20, 2022

Gift ideas for the book lovers on your list!


Looking for gift ideas for the readers on your list?

Visit my website, or Amazon!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Christmas in Classic Films - new book


Announcing my newest book - CHRISTMAS IN CLASSIC FILMSPurchase your copy today for the holidays from Amazon in either eBook or print here.

Christmas turns everyone who celebrates it into a classic film fan—at least for that special season.

The average person, unlike devoted classic film fans, may not recognize images of Clark Gable or know who James Wong Howe was, or be able to tell you why 1939 was such a spectacular year for films.  But when yuletide rolls around, they rejoice with Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life, and of course, White Christmas.

We find a vast treasure of Christmas scenes in films that were never meant to be “Christmas movies” but which are now part of the holiday canon, and this collection of essays spotlighting Christmas in classic films brings you all the warmth and memories that have become as dear a custom as decorating your home and holiday baking.  You may even have one of these movies on in the background when you’re writing out your Christmas cards.

Unwrap this package and relive the moments and discover Christmas nostalgia anew, from Cary Grant’s mysterious angel in The Bishop’s Wife to poor Ralphie pining for a Red Ryder BB-gun in A Christmas Story. 

There’s lots more here waiting for you under the tree.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Where it happens...THE IRON LUNG MYSTERY

This is a map of the Boston area circa 1950.  No Mass Turnpike, no "Big Dig" (a decades-long construction project for those of you not familiar) and just a few markings I've put on to give readers a frame of reference when it comes to the meanderings of Juliet and Elmer in this, their latest adventure.

The green circles mark places visited and described in the story, from the towns of Milton and Melrose, to the Boston Common, to the sites of the drive-in movie and drive-in burger joint.  The red arrows point to locations in the novel that are off the map:  Vaughn Monroe's nightclub The Meadows, and the one pointing out to sea refers to a ferry voyage.

One need not be familiar with Boston or 1951 New England to enjoy the story, but sometimes a little visual aid helps.

The Iron Lung Mystery
 is now for sale in eBook form.  See this link to get your copy.  The novel will debut at 99 cents for two days only; then will increase to $1.99 on Saturday, September 6th for two days; and then on Monday, September 8th, it will be raised to its regular price of $2.99, so get in early to save some dough.  The eBook will be sold exclusively through Amazon for the first three months, then it will be available through several other online shops.

The print book version will follow later in September and will sell at its regular price of $9.99.

I'm looking forward to sharing this nostalgic mystery story with you.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

A night at the drive-in movie: scenes from THE IRON LUNG MYSTERY

Today, another look at an episode in my forthcoming book The Iron Lung Mystery, which is Number 6 in my Double V Mysteries series. 

Above we have a shot of the entrance to the Neponset Drive-in movie theater in Dorchester, Massachusetts.  Elmer and Juliet move away from the scene of the crime for an evening to take a young child for her first experience at a drive-in movie.  (And, as with so many events in this series, it's also Elmer's first experience.  Having lived a hardscrabble boyhood during the Great Depression, and then spending several years as a young adult in prison, Elmer's missed out on a lot.  Juliet is only too happy to be his guide.)  

Also along for the ride this evening is the attorney who hired the duo to ferret out the mystery in this case, and he happens to be Elmer's old friend from boyhood days.  We've got one foot in the past and one foot in the unsettling present in this novel -- and the future?  Well, we know what lay ahead in pop culture in the 1950s, but we have to let Elmer and Juliet see for themselves and cope as best they can.  But the little girl enjoying the cartoon in the front seat (back in the day you got two movies and a couple cartoons for your ticket)?  Her future is in Juliet's and Elmer's hands.

The Neponset Drive-in was on Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester, right along the Neponset River on the site of a former dump.  It opened in September 1950 and was popular for years, just about a full year before our characters' visit there in August 1951, but as with many drive-ins in the colder climates, fell out of use and in disrepair by the 1970s and 1980s.  It is long since gone, now the site of Pope John Paul II Park.

Perhaps you have happy memories of going to the drive-in in younger days.  I'd love to hear them.

More on The Iron Lung Mystery in weeks to come, and I'll let you know when you can pre-order.

The photo above is from the Dorchester history website: Dorchester Atheneum 2

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Elmer and Juliet visit Vaughn Monroe's The Meadows in Framingham, Mass.

May 21st marked the 49th year since the passing of singer, Big Band leader, sometimes actor Vaughn Monroe whose unique vocals and orchestrations thrilled the Greatest Generation. 

Originally from the Midwest, he studied voice for a semester at the New England Conservatory in Boston, and five years later, in 1940, formed his band.  It was in that same year he built The Meadows in Framingham, Massachusetts, his restaurant and nightclub, and continued to perform there, when he was not touring, until his death in 1973.

In my upcoming book number 6 in my Double V Mysteries series, Elmer and Juliet double-date (but not with each other) at The Meadows while Vaughn Monroe performs and even hosts his live radio program, the Camel Caravan, sponsored by Camel cigarettes. 

Above is the cover of the novelty tune "The Meadows - Route 9 on the Turnpike" by Jack Edwards and Johnny Watson.

Here's a song by Vaughn Monroe and his "girl singers," the Mood Maids - "Dream a Little Dream of Me."  Pretend you're with Elmer and Juliet, their dates, and the radio audience at home, at The Meadows in the late summer of 1951.  

Book number six is The Iron Lung Mystery.  More on that in weeks to come.

More on Vaughn Monroe in this previous post, and this one.


Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of States of Mind: New England

Comedy and Tragedy on the Mountain: 70 Years of Summer Theatre on Mt. Tom, Holyoke, Massachusetts

The Ames Manufacturing Company of Chicopee, Massachusetts

Beside the Still Waters (a novel of the Quabbin Reservoir towns); 

and the Double V Mysteries series of novels set around New England in the early 1950s.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Travelogue film of New England - 1940s

Have a look at a nostalgic view of New England in this travelogue film from the 1940s.  Summer in New England is something eternal.

Or watch on YouTube here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Link to replay of Quabbin novel presentation

Four towns…dismantled as an entire valley is prepared to be flooded.
The past is being wiped clean, the present threatens, the future belongs to the fearless.

Three generations weave a tapestry of isolation and stubborn independence, battling the forces of nature, the Commonwealth, and each other in this family saga. A courageous girl becomes the guardian of her family’s heritage, and ultimately, the one to determine what happens next.

Beside the Still Waters is based on actual events that displaced four entire towns in central Massachusetts in the 1920s and 1930s for the construction of the Quabbin Reservoir. Families are torn apart, divided between those who protest the construction, those who give up and leave while they can, and those who help to build the dam that will flood the towns. 


Last December, I gave a Zoom PowerPoint presentation on the historical background of my novel Beside the Still Waters.

Here's a link to the replay of this talk for the Amherst (Massachusetts) Historical Society. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Forest Park ponds - Springfield, Massachusetts

 A postcard view of the lily ponds at Forest Park, Springfield, Massachusetts, possibly from the 1920s.


Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of States of Mind: New England

Comedy and Tragedy on the Mountain: 70 Years of Summer Theatre on Mt. Tom, Holyoke, Massachusetts

The Ames Manufacturing Company of Chicopee, Massachusetts

Beside the Still Waters (a novel of the Quabbin Reservoir towns); 

and the Double V Mysteries series of novels set around New England in the early 1950s.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Barney Mausoleum - Springfield, Massachusetts

Two postcard views of the Barney mausoleum in Forest Park, Springfield, Massachusetts.  The first, a photo from 1909; and the second, an illustration from the 1930s.  Inventor and industrialist Everett Hosmer Barney (1835-1916) was probably most famous for two things: inventing the clamp-on ice skate, and for the donation of 178 acres of his extensive estate to be added to Forest Park in the city of Springfield, Massachusetts.

In 1892, Everett Barney constructed this granite and marble mausoleum for his son on a Laurel Hill, near his Victorian mansion, which we discussed in this previous post. The mausoleum is the final resting place of Everett Hosmer Barney, his wife Eliza Jane Knowles Barney, and their son, George Murray Barney. The mausoleum has two sets of stairs leading up to a temple with twelve pink marble Ionic columns. 


Jacqueline T. Lynch is the author of Comedy and Tragedy on the Mountain: 70 Years of Summer Theatre on Mt. Tom, Holyoke, MassachusettsStates of Mind: New England (collected essays from this blog); The Ames Manufacturing Company of Chicopee, Massachusetts; and Beside the Still Waters - a novel on the construction of the Quabbin Reservoir.