Tomorrow begins the opening of King Richard’s Faire in Carver, Massachusetts. The knights on horseback shown above are ready to joust. The late summer air is filled with anticipation, excitement, drama, the scent of mulled drink, roasting fowl, and the sound of madrigals. Whether you be a comely wench or a noble squire, come all you down to southeastern Mass. and join the revels.
It’s the 27the season of the annual fair, running eight weekends until October 19th. In keeping with the costumed performers and merchants and artisans selling their wares, many of the fairgoers themselves dress in costume. If you’ve come empty handed, you can always rent one there. One of the sweetest things I saw at this fair, apart from little girls dressed as princesses, was the rough-looking biker dude who pulled off his motorcycle helmet, and plunked on a soft cloth jester’s cap with bells on it before going through the admissions gate. Hail and well met, Sir Biker Dude.
If you’ve ever felt like lustily chomping on a roast turkey leg and being as messy as King Henry VIII, or just enjoy a pleasant afternoon under a grove of trees in New England in late summer, join the peasants and the thieves, and the pirate queens, and the highwaymen, and the village idiots, and the executioner, and mostly, King Richard himself, at King Richard’s Faire.
For more information on the fair, kindly have a look at this website.